
香港科技大学2024年物理夏令营 (5天)以及理学院2023暑期研究实习计划(5周)报名开始啦!【5月24日】

发表时间:2024-02-29 09:46


香港科技大学2024年物理夏令营 (5天)以及理学院2023暑期研究实习计划(5周)报名开始啦!

香港科技大学2024年物理夏令营 (5)



夏令营目的:介绍研究方向,学生互动交流,物理前沿讲座,物理摸底考试及入学面试。表现优异的同学将在夏令营结束时获得2025/26 秋季入学非正式有条件录取通知。




报名截止日期: 2024524



·符合学校英语水平的统一要求,提供例如 TOEFL (iBT: 80) IELTS (Band: 6.5) 等成绩的证明文件。(注:无须在申请时提交正式英文成绩。)

·通过笔试 (物理摸底考试)及面试



·如获取录,将提供全额研究生奖学金(每月港币18,390元(2023/24 )

·特别优秀的申请人会被推荐申请香港博士研究生奖学金计划(http://www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd),获选者可获每月港币27,600元奖学金及每年港币13,800元学术交流资助。香港科技大学理学院同时追加特别奖学金,表现优异者也有机会获得四万元港币的“红鸟”入学奖学金 (2023/24)


报名链接: https://wj.qq.com/s2/14152499/4882/


联系邮箱: phweb@ust.hk


香港科技大學理學院2023暑期研究實習計劃 (5)



實習計劃目的:此計劃旨在為有興趣於香港科技大學就讀研究生課程並已完成三年的本科生透過與本校理學院導師共同進行為期五星期的研究項目體驗研究生生活。由於物理夏令營及暑期研究實習計劃活動時間會在首星期重疊,欲參加物理夏令營及暑期研究實習計劃的參加者必需先獲得本校物理系導師同意作為主辦方導師。表现优异的同学将在夏令营结束时获得2025/26 秋季入学非正式有条件录取通知。

日期:202472 - 202486(5)

對象:四年制学士学位课程的三年级本科生,主修科学及相关学科,且 GPA 达到 3.2(满分为4.0)(或80%)或更高。

費用:成功獲邀參加本實習計劃之參加者將自動獲選參與夏令營(五天,202472-6日)。參加者需在指定日期(確實日期稍後通知)前透過網上系統[https://join.hkust.edu.hk/admissions/visiting]遞交本科實習申請(Undergraduate (UG) Visiting Internship )。学校提供大学宿舍免费住宿和餐饮补贴 (餐饮补贴仅适用于202472-6日)。参加者自行负担来往旅费、旅游保险、签证费等

报名截止日期: 2024315(需预留足够的时间申请访问实习生签证)

申請表: https://wj.qq.com/s2/14152499/4882/

联系邮箱: phweb@ust.hk


Department of Physics

2024 Summer Research Camp for Prospective Students (5 days)

(for Admission in 2025/26Fall)

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is the youngest and most dynamic university within Hong Kong. HKUST is not only the fastest growing university in the world but also has become one of the best internationally renowned research universities in Asia. Its research covers most of the frontier fields of physics and materials physics science, including Cold Atoms, Optics and Quantum Information, Condensed Matter Theory, Statistical and Computational Physics, Condensed Matter Experiments and Advanced Materials, Particle Physics and Cosmology, Soft Matter and Biological Physics, Wave Functional Materials and Physics. Please visithttps://physics.ust.hk/ for further details.

Summer Camp Agenda:Introduction to various research directions, interactive academic exchanges between prospective students and faculty members, frontier lectures on physics, written examinations and admission interviews. Participants with outstanding performance may be given informal conditional admission offer for 2025/26 Fall by the Department at the end of the summer camp.

Date:July 2-6, 2024

Target: applicants of PhD/MPhil in department of Physics for 2025/26 Fall Admission

Fee: On-campus student hostel (2-3 person per room) will be provided. Participants will receive food subsidy in the means of meal coupons. Participants are responsible for round-trip travel expenses including but not limited to visa application fee and travel insurance.

Admission Requirements for PhD/MPhil in Physics Program:

  1. Outstanding academic performance from a recognized institution; should have obtained a relevant bachelor’s degree or master's degree from a recognized institute

  2. Fulfill the University's English Language requirements, i.e. provide proof of obtained TOEFL (iBT: 80) or IELTS (Academic Module Overall score: 6.5) (Note: submission of official result is not required when apply)

  3. Pass exam and interview requirements

(Important Notes: Applicants are recommended to contact the potential supervisors, and these applicants with potential supervisor’s endorsement will have higher priority to be invited to the summer camp and get the offer.)


  • Successful applicants will receive Postgraduate Studentship of HK$18,390     per month   (2023-24 cohort reference figure)

  • Outstanding applicants will be nominated to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (http://www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd). Successful     awardee will receive stipend of HK$27,600 per month and travel allowance of HK$13,800 per year from the scheme and may have a chance to additionally receive HK$40,000 of "Redbird Scholarship" (2023-24 cohort reference figure) in the first year (https://pg.ust.hk/prospective-students/scholarship-fees/generous-scholarships).

Online Application Form: https://wj.qq.com/s2/14152499/4882/

Enquiry: phweb@ust.hk



Department of Physics

2024 Summer Research Program (5 weeks)

(for Admission in 2025/26Fall)

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is the youngest and most dynamic university within Hong Kong. HKUST is not only the fastest growing university in the world but also has become one of the best internationally renowned research universities in Asia. Its research covers most of the frontier fields of physics and materials physics science, including Cold Atoms, Optics and Quantum Information, Condensed Matter Theory, Statistical and Computational Physics, Condensed Matter Experiments and Advanced Materials, Particle Physics and Cosmology, Soft Matter and Biological Physics, Wave Functional Materials and Physics. Please visithttps://physics.ust.hk/   for further details.

Research Program Agenda:This 5-week research program is designed for third year undergraduates in a 4-year BSc program who are interested in conducting research under the supervision of a physics faculty members at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Since the activities of the Physics Summer Camp and the Summer Research Internship Program overlap in the first week (2-6 July 2024), participants who wish to participate in the Physics Summer Camp (and the Summer Research Internship Program must first obtain the written confirmation (email) from a physics faculty member who will serve as your faculty supervisor during this 5-week program. Students with outstanding performance may receive an informal conditional admission offer for 2025/26 Fall at the end of the summer camp.

Date: 2 July – 6 August, 2024 (5 weeks)

Target: Year-3 undergraduate students of a 4-year bachelor program majoring in science and related discipline, and have attained a GPA of 3.2 out of 4.0 (or 80%) or higher.

Fee: Successful applicants will be automatically enrolled in the 5-day Summer Research Camp (2-6 July 2024). Participants must apply for Undergraduate (UG) Visiting Internship via the online admission system [https://join.hkust.edu.hk/admissions/visiting] by the specific deadline (to be announced). Participants will be responsible for application fee and tuition fee for UG Visiting Internship, student visa fee, round-trip travel expense, travel insurance and other travel related expenses.

Application Deadline: 15 March 2024 (successful participant will need to apply for student visa)

Online Application Form: https://wj.qq.com/s2/14152499/4882/

Enquiry: phweb@ust.hk
